When I arrived at the Biesiadecki's home in Rockford on Christmas Eve day, "postcard" snow was gently falling on the ground and it really felt like Christmas. As I was walking in the home I said.."Could it get any more perfect?" My question was answered as I entered the Biesadecki home. The table was set, presents were piled high near the tree, candles glowed...it was the ultimate setting for a picture perfect Christmas.
Rae is the mother hen of this family and she is officially on the list as one of my favorite people for the following reasons. 1. She offered me a cocktail as soon as I entered. 2. She has amazing style and her house was decorated to a tee for Christmas. 3. Her table setting for Christmas consisted of exquisite detail... an ornament for each person and a lottery scratch ticket on everyone's plate. 4. She knows Santa..and pulled in a special favor to have the big guy visit her grandchildren on this day.
Rae gave me a big lesson on how to do up Christmas...I took notes and will take her lead for next year!
When I first arrived at Ilana and Dominic's home, I was immediately drawn to the heart shaped decor they had outside the door. It is a mezuzah. And in Jewish tradition, it provides blessings to those who live in the home.
After spending more than an hour with the Torres family, I wholeheartedly believe in the power of their mezuzah. This home is oozing with good blessing, mostly brought on by their amazing little boy Liam.
Liam was one of the friendliest and smiliest not quite one year old I have ever met. He looked straight in to my camera, smiled, laughed and I SWEAR at one point, he tilted his head. Such a pro! The whole time, he had his parents in hysterics! We took these photos for the holidays, but an even bigger celebration is on its way. Liam will be turning one in January and his parents are already thinking Birthday Bash. We talked about using some of these images for his birthday invitations and possibly a First Birthday Guest Book so that friends and family can write a birthday message for Liam.
Ilana has a a great talent for decorating cakes, and she is planning away so that she can create a masterpiece for her little prince.
I can guarantee 2 things...his first birthday will be spectacular and Liam will be SMILING the entire time!
For any couple, a lot can change in 10 years.... You can change jobs You can change homes You can change the roles you play from being a married couple to a FAMILY.
When Karen and John celebrated their 10 year anniversary by renewing their vows, they were celebrating all the changes, the blessings, in their lives since they first said their I DO's.
But what I found most fascinating about this day were the things that remained the same for these 2.
Karen was still "nervous" on her big day.
Their voices softly broke as they said their vows.
And when I directed them to "keep looking at each other" during a picture, they still teared up in each others gaze.
Karen and John, it was an honor and an inspiration to share this day with your family...and to celebrate all the things that have remained constant in your 10 years together...your crazy...head over heels...LOVE for each other.
I packed my camera, 2 lenses, a massive flash and lightstand into my mini van and a neighbor asked what special occasion I was going to photograph. A wedding? no I answered... A birthday party? No...Finally I let her in on the secret...It's Leaf Jumping Day. She looked puzzle and I did not have time to explain this festivity...but now I do.
The Wols family consists of Barb and Jack..their 4 children and spouses..and their 10grandchildren. This family is nothing short of amazing. Whereas most families celebrate your token Holidays, (Thanksgiving, Christmas, Birthdays..). Barb and Jack create custom Holidays for their family. And Leaf Jumping Day was truly an event!
The entire family drove out to Jack and Barb's home and the kids took turns not just jumping in the leaves, but being LAUNCHED and CATAPULTED by their dads and uncles. Afterwards, there was hot cocoa and snacks and playtime. It was nothing short of a storybook day.
After witnessing this day, marveling at this family, and talking to the grandchildren, I know this much is true.... "Children will not remember you for the material things you provided but for the feeling that you cherished them." Barb and Jack create these moments to make sure that their children..their grandchildren...their legacy know that they are loved beyond measure. Truly cherished.
Cari Plachy Dinglasan has one of the most amazing voices I have ever heard. If you don't believe me, you can check it out here on her youtube video of Chicago a cappella. Her husband Raymond Dinglasan doesn't sing professionally, but I have a good feeling that he can find his groove with a karaoke machine...afterall he IS Filipino and karaoke is in our blood. Their home is filled with music. iTunes is a constant in this household and it played everything from Glee to Sandra Boynton to Katy Perry. But the soundtrack to their lives is heard in the perfect voice of their 2 year old daughter Penelope. I first heard Penelope's voice when she woke up from her nap and the monitor boomed with her sweet soprano. She didn't cry or yell ..she was talking to herself or perhaps an imaginary friend..."You're done sleeping..You're not tired anymore...Time to wake up now". Her language astonished me and I couldn't get enough of the stories she told, the songs she sang or the way she kept saying my name for no apparent reason..."Lara...Lara...Lyra". Their family photoshoot was not typical at all. We weren't in any rush. We did not have a schedule to keep. Cari didn't fuss when Penelope pulled out her barrettes. Instead, I was just invited to observe a day in the life of this adorable family of 3. It was the kind of day that made me realize that I could do this for the rest of my life... To be with a family for a few hours and capture the essence of who they are and what they mean to each other. To show them the spring in their step when they take a walk together...
To show them what their family dance party looks like...
To show them how lucky they are to have one another...
Cari, Raym and Penelope made that so easy. They just went about their afternoon as if I was not there to impose, but rather to document all the things that make their life so beautiful..so perfect...right now. And of course at the center of that perfection is Penelope Grace.
Penelope told me that one of her favorite artists was Michael Buble...so I pulled some strings and made sure their movie contained his music! Penelope here is MY favorite Michael "Bluebay" song..and it's all for you!
I was so excited for this photoshoot that I found myself a little unprepared. I usually have sillybands or some small bribe to keep young kids interested in this event and to keep their parents calm. This time, in the middle of an open field, miles away from the house, I had nothing! Nothing but my word. Vienna is a 5 year old spitfire who LOVES the camera. She was a breeze.
But her little brother Vaughn, barely awake from his afternoon nap, needed something to work for. He made it loud and clear...he wanted DULCES... So for as long as he would let us, Sydney, Alex and I would tell him he could have candy...and then under our breath we would say..."when we are done" or "maybe in the car". Luckily the gorgeous scenery and the Fox river grabbed his attention and bought us a little more time.
Sydney and I have a history. She was my college roommate...not for one year..but for ALL FOUR! We were complete strangers until the fateful day our names got paired together the summer of 1993. And now, I cannot remember my life before I knew her. During their photo shoot Sydney told her daughter..."Lyra and Mommy lived together for 4 years! The only other people who have lived with me for that long have been family." Well Syd, that still holds true. I will always regard you as family and I will always treasure our friendship. You knew me..the REAL me..long before I ever did!